The World’s Largest Folk Art Festival Celebrates 15 Years

Featuring 162 Master Artists from 53 Countries and Nobel Peace Prize-Winner Dr. Muhammad Yunus as Honorary Chair
July 13, 14 and 15, 2018—Museum Hill in Santa Fe, New Mexico

Santa Fe, New Mexico—In July 2004, 61 master folk artists from 36 countries ventured to this high-desert city to share in a then untested proposition that creativity, prosperity and community wellbeing could be realized through the art of the handmade.
This July, that proposition—the Santa Fe International Folk Art Market—marks 15 years of art and impact as 162 folk artists from 53 countries gather at the world’s largest, most diverse folk art festival to celebrate cherished craft traditions and contribute to global unity and economic change.
The 2018 Market is an event the world’s art and culture lovers won’t want to miss as 39 first-time artists join 123 returning artists, and two countries never before represented at the Market—Azerbaijan and Greece—step onto the global folk art stage. Twenty-eight artists will again provide Innovation Inspiration in a special exhibition area, translating traditional folk art materials and techniques into works of modern meaning.

Collectively, these creators’ eye-dazzling forms, textures and designs—textiles, jewelry, beadwork, basketry, sculpture, ceramics, rugs, metal work, clothing, home accessories and more—blur borders in colorful displays of cultural dignity, beauty and hope.
Serving as Honorary Market Chair on this 15th anniversary milestone is Dr. Muhammad Yunus, winner of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize. As a leader and believer in creating economic change for impoverished communities through social innovation and entrepreneurship, Yunus’ participation pays tribute to the Market’s influence and impact as a global change maker.

Photos courtesy of the artist and the International Folk Art Market | Santa Fe